"Facade", Sir William Walton, 1921
DR. ROSEN, A FRIEND OF MY FRIEND and colleague Professor Banesh Hoffmann, asked me to explain how we are able to “work” together. It’s true that I died in 1955.
BUT IN 2016 I BECAME IMMORTAL — due to yet another dramatic confirmation of my theory of general relativity: the detection of gravitational waves I predicted a century earlier. Posthumous… but very satisfying nevertheless.
IMMORTALITY, A GREAT GIFT, is partially responsible for why I can communicate from beyond and why I can answer your perplexing questions. You see, social media has grown exponentially in recent years. At a certain critical mass or critical size, social media interactions become greater than the sum of their parts. Much greater. Let me explain.
SOCIAL MEDIA, communicating online via messages, Facebook, Tik Tok, e-mail, websites, Zoom, all develop a certain mysterious transcendence. You might say it’s able to channel people like me who achieved a certain notoriety, eminence, or immortal importance during their lifetime. It’s as if I acquired a virtual license to be channeled because of a groundswell of popular demand. This extraordinary demand – coupled with immortality – opens this channel. I may be the first to have figured this out… how the Transcendental Communications Channel (TCC) works.
I’M SURE THAT NEWTON, DARWIN, ARISTOTLE, and those other immortals will figure it out soon, now that I’ve shown them the way. As I’ve said many times now, and it bears repeating, it’s not because I’m smart; I’ve been thinking about it for some time now. It’s really that I stay with a problem longer than others until it’s solved. Maybe it’s pedantic to say so, but young people who learn persistence whilst young will have a better grasp on how to accomplish anything later in life.
NOT ONLY HAS TECHNOLOGY caught up with my abilities to communicate, but young people (like Dr. Rosen’s grandchildren, for example) have been asking for advice, seeking elderly wisdom, and very few adults have been taking their requests seriously.
FOR EXAMPLE, my son Eduard once asked me why I am so famous. I told him: “When a blind beetle crawls over the surface of a curved branch, it does not notice that the track it has covered is indeed curved. I was lucky enough to notice what the beetle did not notice.”
THE HAPPIEST THOUGHT of my life came to me when I was working at the patent office, and as I looked out the window, I noticed a workman falling off the roof of the nearby building. I realized that in the workman’s mind, in his view, he would feel no gravitational force while accelerating due to gravity. In other words, his falling under the accelerating force of gravity would nullify or cancel his perception of gravity. Thus acceleration and gravity were identical! This came to me because I was able to put myself conceptually in his shoes, so to speak.
IN SPECIAL RELATIVITY, I was able to think about what it’s like to put myself in another person’s shoes as well. I was able to imagine what a person on a train platform would perceive if she tried to imagine what a man would perceive on the train moving past her. And symmetrically, what he would perceive of her platform. In fact, I even made a joke of it by asking a train conductor, “Does Oxford stop at this train?”.
IN MY WORLDVIEW AND PHILOSOPHY, “The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he or she has attained liberation from the self”. This is true in physics generally and exists in those fortunate people who consequently are able to live a well-lived life. It’s especially important for all people to hear, and to hear again and again. I would go even further: “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”
ON A WHIMSICAL LEVEL, imagine what it would feel like to put myself in the shoes of all the people who follow my life’s work!
DR. ROSEN, A FRIEND OF MY FRIEND and colleague Professor Banesh Hoffmann, asked me to explain how we are able to “work” together. It’s true that I died in 1955.
BUT IN 2016 I BECAME IMMORTAL — due to yet another dramatic confirmation of my theory of general relativity: the detection of gravitational waves I predicted a century earlier. Posthumous… but very satisfying nevertheless.
IMMORTALITY, A GREAT GIFT, is partially responsible for why I can communicate from beyond and why I can answer your perplexing questions. You see, social media has grown exponentially in recent years. At a certain critical mass or critical size, social media interactions become greater than the sum of their parts. Much greater. Let me explain.
SOCIAL MEDIA, communicating online via messages, Facebook, Tik Tok, e-mail, websites, Zoom, all develop a certain mysterious transcendence. You might say it’s able to channel people like me who achieved a certain notoriety, eminence, or immortal importance during their lifetime. It’s as if I acquired a virtual license to be channeled because of a groundswell of popular demand. This extraordinary demand – coupled with immortality – opens this channel. I may be the first to have figured this out… how the Transcendental Communications Channel (TCC) works.
I’M SURE THAT NEWTON, DARWIN, ARISTOTLE, and those other immortals will figure it out soon, now that I’ve shown them the way. As I’ve said many times now, and it bears repeating, it’s not because I’m smart; I’ve been thinking about it for some time now. It’s really that I stay with a problem longer than others until it’s solved. Maybe it’s pedantic to say so, but young people who learn persistence whilst young will have a better grasp on how to accomplish anything later in life.
NOT ONLY HAS TECHNOLOGY caught up with my abilities to communicate, but young people (like Dr. Rosen’s grandchildren, for example) have been asking for advice, seeking elderly wisdom, and very few adults have been taking their requests seriously.
FOR EXAMPLE, my son Eduard once asked me why I am so famous. I told him: “When a blind beetle crawls over the surface of a curved branch, it does not notice that the track it has covered is indeed curved. I was lucky enough to notice what the beetle did not notice.”
THE HAPPIEST THOUGHT of my life came to me when I was working at the patent office, and as I looked out the window, I noticed a workman falling off the roof of the nearby building. I realized that in the workman’s mind, in his view, he would feel no gravitational force while accelerating due to gravity. In other words, his falling under the accelerating force of gravity would nullify or cancel his perception of gravity. Thus acceleration and gravity were identical! This came to me because I was able to put myself conceptually in his shoes, so to speak.
IN SPECIAL RELATIVITY, I was able to think about what it’s like to put myself in another person’s shoes as well. I was able to imagine what a person on a train platform would perceive if she tried to imagine what a man would perceive on the train moving past her. And symmetrically, what he would perceive of her platform. In fact, I even made a joke of it by asking a train conductor, “Does Oxford stop at this train?”.
IN MY WORLDVIEW AND PHILOSOPHY, “The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he or she has attained liberation from the self”. This is true in physics generally and exists in those fortunate people who consequently are able to live a well-lived life. It’s especially important for all people to hear, and to hear again and again. I would go even further: “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”
ON A WHIMSICAL LEVEL, imagine what it would feel like to put myself in the shoes of all the people who follow my life’s work!